Chip Forum 41st Session:Berxel Made a Speech of The Application of VCSEL Chip in the Digital and AI Era

2024-04-30 berxel News
VCSELs,Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers,laser,VCSEL arrays

Date: April 11, 2024

Location: Room 103, Micro-Nano Electronics Building, Peking University

Event Name: Chip Forum 41st Session

Topic: The Application of VCSEL Chip in the Digital and AI Era


Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) are low-cost enabling laser sources for many applications including optical communications, 3D sensing and optical imaging. In this talk, we reviewed berxel’s recent advances and commercialization of high-speed 106 Gbps PAM4 VCSELs for datacom applications and high efficiency VCSEL arrays for 3D sensing applications.

berxel reviewed recent results of high contrast grating (HCG) VCSELs. With a fixed, high selection ratio in polarization, berxel showed a novel polarization structured light 3D sensor with high depth accuracy in scenes with multiple reflecting surfaces. berxel showed that HCG VCSELs exhibit fewer modes, enabling 3~5 times transmission distance over OM3 multimode fibers for 106G PAM4 modulation signal. Finally, berxel also discussed future prospects for advanced applications.


College of Integrated Circuits, Peking University

Integrated Circuit Innovation Center, Peking University

National Integrated Circuit Industry-Education-Research Integration Innovation Platform

Integrated Circuit Science and Future Technology Beijing Laboratory Post-Moore Era Micro-Nano Electronics Discipline Innovation Introduction Base

Peking University Alumni Association Semiconductor Branch

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