How to Protect Circuits with Self Recovery Fuses

2024-01-10 XC News
Self recovery fuses,fuses

When the circuit is working normally, it has no impact on the protected circuit, and its resistance value is very small, with little power consumption on the circuit. When the circuit is abnormal, the current is too high, or there is a short circuit in the circuit, the fuse can quickly block the eXCessive current, protecting the safety of the circuit and other components.


When there is an abnormality in the circuit, the self recovery fuse activates protection. When the protection is activated, the current in the circuit is not completely interrupted but momentarily drops to a very small current. At this point, the equipment on the circuit will stop working. After manually powering off and troubleshooting, when the power is restored, the self restoring fuse will automatically return to the state before protection. Without replacing the fuse, the circuit can resume normal operation. If the fault is not resolved or if the fault reoccurs, the self recovery fuse will still activate protection again after re-energizing. Ordinary disposable fuses can only be protected once when the circuit is overloaded, and after the fuse blows, it needs to be replaced with a new one. But the self restoring fuse is not needed and can be repeatedly used in the circuit. After the fuse acts, it can automatically recover after some time.


Self recovery fuses are made by adding conductive particle materials under high temperature, high pressure, and other conditions using polymer based organic polymers, which are then processed through special processes. Not only does it have overcurrent protection, but it also has overheating protection. Since its appearance, the polymer Lite self recovery fuse has solved the problem of many products requiring frequent replacement of fuses. Compared with other fuses, the quality and reputation of Lite brand fuse products have always been good.


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