Application Scenarios for Self Restoring Fuses

2023-12-02 XC News
self restoring fuses,Self Recovery Fuses,Fuses

Application of self restoring fuses in RS485 Communication Port Lightning Protection

RS485, as one of the most commonly used serial differential communication methods in the industry, adopts a balanced transmission and differential reception method, which has the ability to suppress common mode interference. Due to its long communication distance (over 1200m), high transmission rate (10Mbps), high signal-to-noise ratio, convenient control, low cost, and the ability to achieve multiple nodes on a single bus, as well as the variety of transceivers that can be used, RS485 has the advantages of being able to suppress common mode interference, It has been increasingly recognized by users.


However, with the increase in usage frequency, the problems encountered are also increasing day by day. Due to the fact that RS485 communication transmission lines are usually exposed outdoors, lightning and electrostatic interference have become common problems in the practical engineering of RS485 communication buses in daily life. The working voltage of RS485 transceivers is low, only 5V, and the withstand voltage of the components themselves is also low, usually only -7V to+12V. Therefore, overvoltage caused by lightning and other factors can instantly damage RS485 transceivers, causing serious damage to the communication system; In addition, static electromagnetic interference also seriously affects the data transmission quality of the communication bus.


The Application of Self Recovery Fuses on Tablets

Tablets are now digital products for personal applications, capable of completing most of the functions of desktop computers, making them widely used. Tablets are mainly composed of a built-in power supply (lithium-ion battery), a main control board, and an LCD display part. External interfaces include USB, SD card, headphone interface, etc.


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