Efficiency Meets Insight: Exploring the new Test Case Results Dashboard

2023-10-19 Keysight Blogs
Eggplant,Test Case Results Dashboard,dashboard,KEYSIGHT

Staying on top of your testing efforts is crucial in the ever-evolving landscape of software development and quality assurance. With the release of DAI 7.1, Keysight’s Eggplant takes a giant leap forward with its new feature - the Test Case Results Dashboard. This dashboard promises to be a game-changer, offering a comprehensive and streamlined view of your testing results like never before.

A Unified View of Testing Results

Managing and monitoring test cases can be challenging, especially in complex software projects with numerous test cases across various models and suites. In such scenarios, understanding the big picture while keeping an eye on the details can be overwhelming. DAI 7.1 addresses this issue by introducing the Test Case Results Dashboard, which provides a unified view of your testing results.

Key Features of the Test Case Results Dashboard

1. Data Aggregation

The Test Case Results Dashboard in DAI 7.1 aggregates the results of all your test cases, making it easier to grasp the overall status of your testing efforts. Whether you're running hundreds or thousands of tests, this feature compiles the data into a single, easy-to-digest view.

2. Flexible Filtering Options

The dashboard offers flexible filtering options to make your experience even more tailored to your specific needs. You can filter the data by date range, models, or suites. This means you can focus on specific aspects of your testing process, such as the performance of a particular model or the results of a specific test suite.

3. Enhanced Insights

Understanding your testing results is not just about the current state but also about tracking progress and spotting trends. With DAI 7.1's Test Case Results Dashboard, you can gain deeper insights into the evolution of your testing effort over time. Analyzing historical data becomes a breeze with the ability to view results across different time periods.

Benefits of Using the Test Case Results Dashboard

The introduction of the Test Case Results Dashboard in DAI 7.1 offers a plethora of benefits for testing teams and quality assurance professionals:

1. Time-saving

By centralizing and simplifying your testing results, this dashboard saves valuable time. You no longer need to navigate through multiple screens or reports to access critical information.

2. Improved Decision-Making

With the ability to filter data based on various criteria, you can make more informed decisions about your testing strategy. Identify areas that require immediate attention and allocate resources more effectively.

3. Historical Perspective

Tracking the evolution of your testing efforts is vital for continuous improvement. The dashboard's historical data view allows you to identify trends, patterns, and potential bottlenecks in your testing process.

4. Better Collaboration

Sharing insights and results with your team becomes more accessible and efficient. The Test Case Results Dashboard promotes collaboration by providing a common platform for everyone to access the same information.

DAI 7.1 coming soon!

This feature will be in the upcoming release on the 18th of October.

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