What Is Silicone Rubber

2023-11-03 Futureway News
Silicone rubber,High-temperature silicone rubber,room-temperature silicone rubber,methyl silicone rubber

Silicone rubber refers to the main chain composed of silicon and oxygen atoms alternately, silicon atoms are usually connected to two organic groups of rubber. Ordinary silicone rubber consists mainly of silicone oxygen chains containing methyl and a small amount of vinyl. The introduction of benzene can improve the high and low-temperature performance of silicone rubber, while the introduction of tropluoropropyl and cyanide can improve the temperature and oil resistance of silicone rubber. Silicone rubber has good low-temperature resistance and generally works at -55 degrees C. After the introduction of the benzene base, it can reach -73 degrees C. The heat resistance of silicone rubber is also outstanding, can work for a long time at 180 degrees C, slightly above 200 degrees C can also withstand several weeks or more still elastic, and instantaneously can withstand high temperatures of more than 300 degrees C. Silicone rubber has good breathability and the highest oxygen penetration rate in synthetic polymers. In addition, silicone rubber has the outstanding characteristics of physiological inertness, which does not lead to clotting, so it is widely used in the medical field.

Silicone rubber thermal vulcanization type (high-temperature silicone sulfide HTV), room temperature vulcanization type (RTV), in which room temperature vulcanization type and shrink reaction type and addition reaction type. High-temperature silicone rubber is mainly used in the manufacture of a variety of silicone rubber products, while room-temperature silicone rubber is mainly used as adhesives, potted materials, or molds. Thermal vulcanization type is the largest amount, thermal vulcanization type is divided into methyl silicone rubber (MQ), methyl vinyl silicone rubber (VMQ, dosage and product number, most), methyl vinyl styrene rubber PVMQ (low temperature, radiation resistance), and other silicone rubber, fluorosilicon rubber and so on.

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