A Beautiful, Ergonomic, and High Performance Curved Dashboard for Modern Cars

2023-09-23 MTA News
curved dashboard,vehicle dashboards,dashboards,displays

The current trend in the design of vehicle dashboards is oriented towards devices with highly customized geometries – even curved – with large dimensions and advanced graphics. A curve makes it easier for designers to create vehicle interiors with a  greater aesthetic appeal than in the past, which enhances the vehicle and integrates perfectly with it. Ergonomics also benefits, improving legibility by maintaining the optimum distance between the image and the driver's eye.

MTA, which in recent years has developed extensive expertise in the production of dashboards and displays for the automotive market, is ready with its own version of the curved dashboard that can be customized on request, with shapes ranging from the so-called “corner cut” to a “free shape”, destined to represent the technology's state of the art in the coming years.

The dashboard that MTA is able to provide is a turnkey product with cutting-edge mechanics and hardware/software platform, elements necessary to ensure the high performance required by the final product. The dashboard has been designed to be fully customized for the vehicle it is installed in, adapting to and bringing out its personality.

As far as hardware and software are concerned, the platform is very advanced, with multicore processors that manage different operating systems: Linux for the management of 2D  and 3D graphics and Autosar for the management of vehicle logic. The platform can also support other external displays, like the central stack and head-up.

The electronics development team focused in particular on safety and cybersecurity.  The hardware/software platform is safety-oriented and modular to implement ASIL A and B (Automotive Safety Integrity Levels) as per the ISO26262 standard. On the other hand, cybersecurity is implemented both at a software and hardware level with specific modules aimed at verifying the authenticity and integrity of the functions programmed in the dashboard.

A version of the curved dashboard is already in series production for an important modern car manufacturer in the Italian plant of MTA  dedicated to electronics production.


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