Development of Consumer Electronics Connector Industry

2023-04-06 valnk Industry information

Consumer electronics is the third largest downstream application field of connectors. Stimulated by the demand for product technology upgrading and consumption upgrading in downstream industries, the consumer electronics connector industry has developed steadily.

According to the statistics of bishop associates, the global sales revenue of consumer electronic connectors in 2019 was US $3.109 billion. It is estimated that the market scale of consumer electronic connectors will be US $3.926 billion in 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 4%.

In 2019, the sales revenue of regional consumer electronic connectors in the Chinese market was US $1098 million, which is expected to reach US $1.215 billion in 2025.

Connectors are widely used in consumer electronics. The main types of connectors include DC jack, mini HDMI, audio jack, mini / Mini USB 2.0 / 3.0, FPC / FFC connector, board to board / line to line/line to board connector, etc.

The performance of consumer electronic connectors directly affects the use effect and safety of terminal electronic products.

At present, the production technology of consumer electronic connectors in China is basically mature, showing the characteristics of high-speed transmission, multi-function, low impedance, environmental protection, safety, and convenience.

However, to make the produced consumer electronic connectors meet the performance indicators, suppliers must have strength in product structure design, production control level, raw materials, and product performance testing. Long-term production process improvement is needed to realize mass production with stable quality and controllable cost.

At the same time, in order to meet the dual requirements of consumer electronic products for product performance and ultra-thin thickness, consumer electronic connectors will develop in the direction of diversification, miniaturization, multi-function, good electromagnetic compatibility, standardization, and customization in the future.

On the one hand, with the change of new interface technology of consumer electronic products, Gigabit LAN has become the mainstream, and high-speed serial transmission technology has become the driving force for the continuous growth of electronic product data storage in the exchange market. In line with the above development trend of consumer electronics, USB 4.0, HDMI v2.1, and display port v2.0 have all come out, showing the trend of high-speed signal transmission.

On the other hand, with the development of the 4K/8K technology of high-definition TV, the resolution continues to improve, the color depth continues to improve, and the audio channel continues to increase. Digital interfaces such as HDMI and display port, which can transmit higher bandwidth and have content protection functions, have come out one after another, with a maximum transmission bandwidth of more than 40Gbps. They have good electromagnetic compatibility and shielding technology, and effectively solve the problem of signal transmission interference of electronic equipment.

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