Benewake Offers A Low Cost Solution for Aunattended ETC Quick Toll Collection

2021-08-04 Benewake
LiDARs,distance sensor,LiDARs,TFmini Plus

In order to achieve fast toll tax collection without stopping at toll plaza, most toll plazas will use unattended ETC quick toll collection. ETC charges are mostly based on the vehicle model to determine the amount of charge. Different models, the ETC charge standards are also different. When there are many vehicles in the toll station, the distance between adjacent vehicles is too small, and the toll may be missed. In addition, in order to avoid toll fees, some large vehicles will replace ETC CARDS of small vehicles for payment. 

Therefore, different types of vehicles need to be accurately judged and separated to solve the problem of omission and evasion of tolls.

By installing BENEWAKE TF LiDAR and using it with a camera, vehicles can be accurately judged and separated, so as to achieve accurate and efficient ETC charging.

Installation Method: Install 2-3 single-point LiDARs on the side of the entrance/intersection of toll plaza to detect the designated area diagonally downward. As shown in Figure 1, the installation height can be set to 1.3-1.5m, and 2m from the middle of the road in the horizontal direction. To cover the area of 36*36 in the middle of the road, it can be installed horizontally using three TFmini Plus, and inclined downward to detect angle "a" is about 35°.

Application Principle: It is known that the detection distance of the three LiDARs to the ground remains unchanged. When a car passes by, the measured distance value of the three LiDARs becomes smaller, and the range value of the LiDAR increases when the car leaves, and it can be judged that a car passed by; Divide the car according to the change of distance. Consider the objects that cannot be effectively detected by the LiDAR, such as trailer hooks, with the aid of cameras for auxiliary identification.

Program advantages:
1. small FOV, accurate detection and low false alarm rate
2. Can be installed near the side of the road, low installation difficulty, easy installation, low cost
3. Single-point LiDAR scheme, high cost performance, low cost of product


TFmini-S 12m cost-effective distance sensor/TFmini Plus 12m IP65 distance sensor

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