Technical Information TI 12A01A02-42EN FLXA202/FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer Selection Guide for Intrinsic Safety-type Associated Apparatus


▼This document describes how to select intrinsically safe associated apparatus,how to implement their configuration or the replacement with an upgraded model,when FLXA 202/FLXA 21 is used in combination with intrinsically safe associated apparatus
▼The use of an instrument in hazardous area requires you to understand the configuration method and the related regulations.Read this document and follow the regulations on intrinsically safe system for FLXA202/FLXA21.
▼FLXA202 is certified with different requirements than those for FLXA21 in terms of intrinsic safety approval.Therefore,FLXA202 which was once used without sarety barriers shall no longer be used in hazardous area.If there is any chance of using FLXA202 in hazardous area in future,use FLXA202 with a safety barrier even if the FLXA202 is to be installed in nonhazardous area.
▼Please see "3.How to select safety barriers"for configuration of intrinsically safe system.
▼Choose an instrument to use in combination with FLXA202/FLXA21 according to the respective general specification.Even if the instrument meefs the requirements as an Intrinsic Safety apparatus,you cannot use in combination with FLXA202/FLXA21 Intrinsic Safety-type unless it meets the specification for general purposes.
▼This document is neither intended to explicate Intrinsically Safe approvals,nor specifications of individual instrument for general purposes.To know the specifications for general purposes,refer to each corresponding user's manuals or general specifications of each instrument.





2-Wire Analyzer






Please see the document for details



English Chinese Chinese and English Japanese

Mar. 2018

TI 12A01A02-42EN

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