Bluetooth LE MCU Bluetooth Test Tool Suite operating instructions

■This document describes the GUI software "Bluetooth Test Tool Suite" which controls Renesas Bluetooth® Low Energy (hereinafter Bluetooth LE) MCU (hereinafter MCU) from Windows PC.
■Bluetooth Test Tool Suite (hereinafter BTTS) is a tool suite to control MCU evaluation board (hereinafter EVB) connected with Windows PC and USB Serial and evaluate three functions of RF, beacon and Data Communication in Bluetooth (Core Specification) 5.0.
■When operating the GUI on the BTTS, the API of Bluetooth protocol stack is called according to the function operated. The API is internally replaced with the Host Controller Interface (HCI) command and sent to the MCU side. BTTS displays the contents of the sent command and the received event as a result on the GUI. The "Log" window outputs the API and events of the Bluetooth protocol stack used by BTTS and their parameter information, which can be serve as a reference when developing the Bluetooth application products.
■This document describes the constitution, installation, and usage of BTTS.
■For details on the API of the Bluetooth protocol stack, refer to the following documents of each MCU.
▲RX23W : The "API Reference Manual" included in the Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol Stack Basic Package.
▲RA4W1 : The "RA Flexible Software Package Documentation" included in the FSP package.
▲RE01B : The "API document" included in the RE01B Group Bluetooth Low Energy Sample code (using CMSIS Driver Package).


RX23W GroupRA4W1 GroupRE01B GroupRX23WRA4W1RE01B



Bluetooth Low Energy MCU



Application note & Design Guide



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