ATtiny25/V / ATtiny45/V / ATtiny85/V Atmel 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 2/4/8K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash

■The ATtiny25/45/85 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the ATtiny25/45/85 achieves through puts approaching 1MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.
■The ATtiny25/45/85 provides the following features: 2/4/8K bytes of In-System Programmable Flash, 128/256/512bytes EEPROM, 128/256/256 bytes SRAM, 6 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, one8-bit Timer/Counter with compare modes, one 8-bit high speed Timer/Counter, Universal Serial Interface, Internal and External Interrupts, a 4-channel, 10-bit ADC, a programmable Watchdog Timer with internal Oscillator, and three software selectable power saving modes. Idle mode stops the CPU while allowing the SRAM, Timer/Counter,ADC, Analog Comparator, and Interrupt system to continue functioning. Power-down mode saves the register con-tents, disabling all chip functions until the next Interrupt or Hardware Reset. ADC Noise Reduction mode stops the CPU and all I/O modules except ADC, to minimize switching noise during ADC conversions.
■The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density non-volatile memory technology. The On-chip ISP Flash allows the Program memory to be re-programmed In-System through an SPI serial interface, by a conventional non-volatile memory programmer or by an On-chip boot code running on the AVR core.
■The ATtiny25/45/85 AVR is supported with a full suite of program and system development tools including: C Com-pilers, Macro Assemblers, Program Debugger/Simulators and Evaluation kits.





AVR Microcontrollerlow-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller






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Rev. 2586Q–AVR–08/2013


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