Skywire​®​ Cellular Modem Hardware Developer’s Guide

■This document helps OEM integrators plan and implement successful designs using NimbeLink's Skywire cellular modems. It details the recommended guidelines that should be followed in order to successfully integrate Skywire modems into end products. This guide is applicable to all Skywire modems.
■Throughout this document modems might be referred to as their 4 or 5 digit abbreviated part number. For instance, the NL-SW-LTE-QBG96 might be referred to as the QBG96.
●Skywire Modem Overview:
■NimbeLink's Skywire Cellular modems are purpose-designed to enable rapid IoT &M2M application development. Each modem has full regulatory and carrier end-device certifications for the regions they are designed to operate in. The modems’ certifications save users from having to perform carrier testing, along with third party test lab fees. Additionally, all maintenance releases, recertification, and sustaining engineering are managed by NimbeLink.
■Skywire modems are among the smallest embedded modems in the industry. They are compatible with a wide range of Skywire development kits and microprocessor shields, helping to accelerate product development and prototyping.
■All Skywire modems conform to the same 34mm by 29mm mechanical form factor and share a common 20 pin Skywire interface. This allows customers to design one board that supports multiple types of cellular connectivity options via the Skywire modem. Using the Skywire modem designers can design their board once, and use any of the Skywire modems to connect anywhere.





Cellular Modem



User's Guide



Please see the document for details



English Chinese Chinese and English Japanese

April 2020

rev 3


1015 KB

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