General Appearance Design and Application Characteristics of USB Connector Products

2023-03-29 valnk Knowledge base
USB connector

No matter which manufacturing industry's electronic USB connector, there are strict regulations on the feasibility of connection and the value of point contact resistance. There are more unique provisions for the actual main use. Generally, the performance index value of USB connector has three aspects: mechanical equipment performance, electrical equipment performance and environmental performance.

Mechanical equipment performance: the actual operation with the largest number of USB connectors is unplugging, so the unplugging force of USB connector is the most important mechanical equipment performance. There are two kinds of pulling and inserting force: insertion force and pulling force, and their provisions are also different. Generally speaking, the service life of mechanical equipment of USB connector refers to the recyclable system frequency of USB connector inserted and pulled out at one time. Whether the USB connector can work normally after the required frequency. This index value is generally specified at the industrial plug level.

Electrical equipment performance: electrical equipment performance includes circuit resistance, grounding resistance and compressive strength of USB connector. The circuit resistance of high-quality USB connectors generally ranges from a few milliohms to tens of milliohms. Grounding resistance refers to the performance of the insulating layer between the contactor inside the USB connector and the shell. The order of magnitude ranges from hundreds of megabytes to thousands of megabytes. Generally speaking, this index value is very important in industrial production of automatic mechanical equipment. Electrical compressive strength refers to the ability of the contactor to withstand the working voltage. Sometimes the electrical compressive strength is opposite to the circuit resistance, so it is necessary to measure different index values.

Environmental performance: general environmental performance includes high temperature resistance, water resistance, salt resistance, vibration resistance, etc. Because the actual working environment of mechanical equipment is different, some external environmental factors often endanger the performance of USB connector. For example, in a high-temperature environment, the change of temperature is sometimes not caused by the environment, but by the heat of the mechanical equipment itself in the whole operation process. For example, the intermediate current transmission of USB connector touch device leads to the increase of temperature, and the change of temperature will damage its performance. Another example is that in automotive electronic products, the anti vibration and impact resistance of USB connector should be more considered in Chengdu.

USB connector is very important in electronic control system. If you underestimate the USB connector and choose a cheap and poor quality USB connector, you usually end up paying a lot of price. Choosing cheap and incorrect USB connector will make the system software unable to operate normally, resulting in maintenance, maintenance and other problems. Therefore, the design of electronic control system attaches great importance to the selection of USB connector.

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