What Are the Uses of Industrial Routers?

2023-06-07 usr News
industrial routers,4G Industrial Cellular Router,4G router,Industrial Cellular Router

What is an Industrial Cellular Router

Almost every family has a router, which is mainly used to connect LAN and Wan equipment to the Internet, and is called the hub of the Internet. Industrial Cellular Router is mainly used in Internet of Things communication devices in industrial environments, which can transmit network signals only to the required ports to meet networking needs. At present, 4G network transmission is the mainstream, so most Industrial Cellular Router is a 4G router.

What are the characteristics of the Industrial Cellular Router

Reliable networking: Most of the mainstream 4G Industrial Cellular routers use high-performance 32-bit processors, with embedded CPU components to achieve a working frequency of more than 580MHz, providing reliable data transmission networking for industrial networking projects and commercial environments.

A large number of terminals: In the industrial environment, there are many networking terminals, which usually need to meet the requirements of dozens or even hundreds of external network terminals to achieve data forwarding or transmission. However, home routers usually only need a few or a dozen access terminals, and the signal coverage is relatively small.

Secure transmission: The data transmitted by industrial or commercial routers has high confidentiality, so it is more secure to encrypt the data in the process of transmission. Most of the 4G Industrial Cellular Router have APN/VPN dedicated channel transmission, and the firewall has higher security performance. At the same time, it has PPTP, L2TP, IPSEC, OpenVPN, GRE, and SSTP security transmission modes.

Advanced protection: The industrial cellular router needs to work in a harsh environment of high temperatures or severe cold. In addition to the high working performance of chips and other components, there are also IP30 sheet metal shell protection, anti-surge, ESD anti-static, EFT anti-pulse, the anti-reverse connection of power supply, and other hardware protection.

Main uses of the Industrial Cellular Router

Based on the features of the 4G Industrial Cellular Router, describe the main uses of the Industrial Cellular Router. High-performance processors and advanced hardware protection make Industrial Cellular Routers suitable for underground mines, outdoor farms, environmental protection monitoring sites, water dams, and other environments in cold winter and hot summer, and still maintain normal networking requirements to achieve remote data transmission. Compared with the traditional manual monitoring site and manual on-site recording data, it is more intelligent and more accurate in control.

High-speed processing CPU, a large cache, can avoid the problem of data retransmission and loss caused by slow CPU processing speed, and can solve the problem of data loss caused by network bottlenecks.

The main purpose of intelligent flow control is to avoid the high bandwidth occupation of a small number of hosts, which affects the network applications of other hosts. At the same time, it can control the Internet charges and save costs. In commercial applications, it can easily control the leisure Internet access status of employees and improve work efficiency.

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