Take CyPerf for a Free Test Drive

2022-04-30 Keysight
cloud-native software test solution,CyPerf,KEYSIGHT

In a world where everything is done on the rush, it is difficult to find time to play with new ‘toys’ like evaluating new products. Especially when those products are a bit more complex to set up and drive. Despite having readily available platforms (like various public clouds) that are offering tons of managed services and ready-to-use product images and even despite having vendors offering deployment templates, it still seems like the barrier of entry to properly test and evaluate a new product is relatively high. And this is applicable to the test tools themselves.

At Keysight, we are always, without exception, recommending our potential customers to try the products before they buy, and we also provide assistance as needed along the way to make sure that all the questions are answered.

Understanding all these challenges, and because of the increasing need to easily evaluate and understand a new tool before buying it, we have tried to level up the game by providing users access to a free test drive for Keysight's new cutting-edge network application and security test solution—CyPerf. Users only need two hours of their time that we are trying to make as effective as possible by diving straight into the product's capabilities. Everything else is on us. Like the actual platform where this is running, all the required licenses, and even three guided step-by-step labs. No strings attached.

During these two hours, users can have an immersive experience of working with an actual CyPerf deployment and experiment first-hand with its unparalleled insights into the performance characteristics and security posture of a real cloud infrastructure.

The focus of this test drive is to provide users hands-on experience on how to use CyPerf for a few test scenarios that assess the performance and security efficacy of a cloud-deployed security control (in this case, we will use a Web Application Firewall—WAF).

Keysight CyPerf is the industry's first cloud-native software test solution that recreates every aspect of a realistic workload across a variety of physical and cloud environments to deliver unprecedented insights into end user experience, security posture, and performance bottlenecks of distributed, hybrid networks. CyPerf delivers new heights in realism that comes from simultaneously generating both legitimate traffic mixes and malicious activities across a complex network of proxies, software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN), Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), VPN tunnels, Transport Layer Security (TLS) inspection, elastic load balancers, and WAF. Combined with the unique ability to interleave applications and attacks to model user behavior and security breaches, CyPerf enables a holistic approach in replicating distributed customer deployment environments faster and with more fidelity than other solutions.

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