Tongyu Communication Innovative Antenna Platform- the New Taurus Platform to Cope with the Current Problem in the Antenna Platform

2022-12-28 Tongyu Communication News
Communication Antenna,innovative antenna platform,Taurus platform,mobile BTS antenna

The antenna changes the RF signal into an equivalent electromagnetic wave, indispensable in a communication system. Radio frequency signals’ transmission and reception can not work without the antenna. Despite its contribution to the communication field, the current Communication Antenna platform has some problems that hinder its performance. Here we will dive into the challenges and help people find the most trustworthy communication antenna platform.

The Challenges the Current Antenna Platform Faces

The antenna was developed to be used for long-distance wireless telegraphy in 1895. Since then, it has been undergoing rapid development for more than a century, but the current antenna platform is still confronted with some problems that it’s hard to overcome.


1. High Loss

The current communication antenna platform is mostly connected with multiple cables, connectors, and soldering points, resulting in higher losses. This phenomenon is especially obvious at high bands of 2600MHz and 3500MHz.


2. Complex Structure

The regular antenna has many cables and soldering points of 480 pieces to keep it functional. Such a complex structure makes the antenna burdensome, away from portability and convenience.


3. Large Size

Meanwhile, the complex structure of the current communication antenna also results in a large size, meaning more space occupation and higher costs for space. Also, the large size comes with a heavy weight, with the average antenna reaching 14.1 kg.


The New Taurus Platform Helps Tackle the Problems

TONGYU COMMUNICATION developed new technology and designed an innovative antenna platform- the new Taurus platform to cope with the current problem in the antenna platform. Besides tackling the challenges that the current communication antenna platform faces, Tongyu Communication new Taurus platform has 16 breakthroughs that other counterparts don’t, leading the communication industry into the efficient era of high-performance antenna.


1. High Stability

Tongyu Communication new Taurus platform ensures stable performance with increasing PIM stability and a low failure rate. The soldering points of Tongyu Communication new Taurus platform only have half of that of the regular platform, while the failure rate of Tongyu Communication new Taurus platform caused by soldering points is half lower than that of the regular platform. This excellent stability guarantees the transmission and reception of signals.

2. Wide Coverage

Another original design of Tongyu Communication new Taurus platform is that it is superior to the regular platform in terms of coverage performance. It is easily noticed that it has farther and deeper coverage, and the average RSRP of Tongyu Communication new Taurus platform increases by about 5db. Also, it is 24.6 percent higher than the regular platform in the computation zone.

3. High Efficiency 

Tongyu Communication communication antenna with the new Taurus platform generally achieves 10% radiation efficiency enhancement compared to the current one. So let’s take the frequency of 1710-1990 as an example. The radiation efficiency of our current new Taurus platform is 85.97%, while that figure is only 73.49% in the regular antenna.


4. Cost Reduction 

Due to the application of the strip line structure, using Tongyu Communication new Taurus platform has a lower loss, while the regular antenna platform with the coaxial cable is the opposite. As a result, our new Taurus Platform has 0.4dB more antenna gain, reducing the energy consumption. Also, due to its simplistic structure and stable performance, operators can enjoy lower costs in transportation and maintenance. Here’s the projected cost saving by using our new Taurus platform.

5. Eco-friendliness

Tongyu Communication communication antenna with the new Taurus platform is developed based on environmental protection, responding to the world’s environmental requirements for carbon reduction. That can be reflected in using less plastic and heavy metals and saving energy in our new Taurus platform.


Choose Tongyu Communication as the Trustworthy Antenna Supplier

As the leading global supplier of communication antenna solutions, Tongyu Communicatio has the powerful ability to attract global companies to cooperate with Tongyu Communicatio. Here list some of Tongyu Communication notable achievements:


Tongyu Communicatio has always offered the high gain antenna to Tongyu Communication clients to help them develop their communication business. Since Tongyu Communicatio has a wide range of antenna solutions available here, people can always find the most suitable one.

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