Problems Needing Attention When Selecting High Current D-sub Connector

2023-04-05 valnk Knowledge base
high current D-sub connector,connector,Problems Needing Attention When Selecting High Current D-sub Connector

Problems needing attention when selecting high current D-sub connector are as follows:

1. Required current

First, we must understand the requirements of a high current D-sub connector for load current and voltage. The current load capacity of the connector usually depends on the size and contact point of the conductor, while the rated voltage depends on the contact distance and insulating material. Therefore, it must be ensured that the contact point is consistent with the size of the supporting conductor to avoid overheating.

2. Datasheet

It is important to know how the connector manufacturer specifies the rated current and operating voltage of its products. The test grade and data can refer to the manufacturer's standards, but the test standards of various manufacturers are very different. Therefore, when checking the rated current, first observe the temperature rise of the connector, that is, the heat dissipation value of the high current D-sub connector under a specific current value.

3. End type

Because there are many termination types of connectors, welded joints are used to prevent the entry of dust and moisture. The other is the crimping type, which is convenient for on-site maintenance, such as compression terminal and winding connection Direct connection Loop connections Eye shaped connection, etc. In addition, the terminal type of the connector depends on the size of the cable Type and voltage and current.

4. Operation of machinery and environment

In various application environments, such as damp connectors Temperature Vibration, and impact, so be very careful about the selection of high current D-sub connector, and know the mechanical, environmental performance, and shell type of high current D-sub connector, so as to ensure reliable connection and avoid the influence of adverse factors such as a short circuit.

5. Expenses

Because the price of a high current D-sub connector mainly depends on the hardware itself Manpower and materials for assembly and maintenance. So don't be greedy for small bargains. When selecting a cheap high current D-sub connector, the cost must be considered.

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