Industrial Internet of Things Application of 5G Industrial Cellular Router

2023-06-07 usr News
5G Industrial Cellular Router,Industrial cellular router,industrial routers

5G Industrial Cellular Router, as the core communication equipment in the scene, connects field sensing equipment to implement data acquisition, and realizes remote online control and management through wireless network connection to the cloud, so as to achieve industrial automation, intellectualization, and scientific and technological management through industrial routers.

5G Industrial Cellular Router Industrial Internet of Things Function Application:

1. The full Netcom 5G/4G network wireless connection of the industrial router provides a high-speed and stable wireless access function for the equipment. The high-gain antenna impedance design makes the signal stronger.

2. Rich interfaces, supporting WAN, LAN, RS232, and RS485 options, to meet networking and field equipment access.

3. Support OPENVPN tunnel and data encryption mechanism to ensure stable data output.

4. The industrial router supports MQTT protocol, customized protocol, and MODBUS TCP protocol.

5. support heartbeat link detection, to achieve automatic reconnection after disconnection, support equipment operation software, and hardware self-test technology, to achieve operation fault self-repair.

6. Seamless docking of various PLC industrial networking applications, suitable for various remote monitoring, remote management, data acquisition, and other applications, with the characteristics of high speed.

Communication Application of 5G Industrial Cellular Router in Industrial Internet of Things Scenario:

1. Remote data acquisition and monitoring fields such as base station transceiver, ATM monitoring, power station monitoring, and pump station monitoring,

2. Remote data acquisition and monitoring of industrial routers, solar power stations, and intelligent charging piles,

3. Collection of parameters such as water level, water pressure, flow rate, and flow velocity,

4. Data acquisition of oil level, oil temperature, and oil pressure,

5. Industrial cellular router intelligent animal husbandry temperature and humidity data acquisition and monitoring,

6. Smart grid data transmission,

7. Industrial automation data transmission,

8. Data collection and monitoring of meteorological station information,

9. Industrial cellular router wisdom teeth smart agriculture, smart fire protection, smart city, smart building control, and other places.

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