British electronic chemical manufacturer Electrolube settled in Sekorm

2021-05-11 Sekorm

Electrolube, a British electronic chemical supplier, has signed an authorized distributor agreement with SEKORM, authorizing Sekorm to represent its full range of products.

Electrolube is a manufacturer of electronic chemicals in electronics, automobiles and manufacturing that products include thermal grease, conformal paint, encapsulating resin, electronic cleaning agent, contact grease and general maintenance products. It has long-term cooperative relations with Apple, Samsung, Alcatel, Schneider Electric, General Electric etc.

With this cooperation, Electrolube has brought Sekorms’customers a choice of categories such as cleaning agents, three anti-paints, and contact lubricants, filling the gaps in the categories above the Sekorm . Cleaning agent, conformal paint and contact lubricant are the main products of Electrolube, which have superior performance.

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