Energous‘s 2w Powerbridge Transmitter Systems Delivers Continuous Access to Wireless Power, Enabling the Retailer to Optimize Grocery Distribution Network

2024-08-23 ENERGOUS Official Website
PowerBridge transmitter systems,transmitter system,ENERGOUS

SAN JOSE, Calif., July 23, 2024 – Energous Corporation (NASDAQ: WATT), a pioneer in scalable, over-the-air wireless power networks (WPNs), today announced it has received multiple orders from a Fortune 10 multinational retailer for the Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems. Energous recently completed a successful proof of concept (PoC) project for the retailer: a comprehensive W­PN that delivers always-on, data-rich asset tracking capabilities for improved grocery and store supply chain visibility and control. These orders for the Energous transmitter system are part of the initial implementation of a nationwide infrastructure optimization project and will be the foundation of a new WPN, beginning with modernization and upgrades in both a grocery distribution center and 170 grocery stores.

The grocery distribution supply chain is complex with many stakeholders—producers, manufacturers, transporters, and retailers—handling a wide range of products, from perishable food items to non-perishable dry goods. Digitization of this critical supply chain is transforming grocery store distribution and improving food delivery, with a growing number of retailers using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to increase visibility, control, and automation as these products are transported to local stores.

The Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems will deliver continuous access to wireless power, over-the-air and at a distance, while enabling a constant stream of real-time data for all IoT-enabled devices in the supply chain, such as sensors and tags. This will enable the retailer to digitally monitor and optimize their grocery distribution network and proactively address shipment issues as they arise, to ensure the right products are at the right stores at the right times.

“Ensuring the highest level of food quality and freshness requires a sophisticated and efficient cold chain, and retailers increasingly require real-time access to actionable data and insights, such as temperature and location, with enhanced levels of granularity,” said Mallorie Burak, Interim Principal Executive Officer and CFO, Energous. “Energous wireless power solutions can help transform supply chain management applications, including cold chain monitoring, resulting in improved safety, freshness, and compliance by leveraging end-to-end, real-time asset and inventory visibility.”

About Energous Wireless Power Solutions

Energous PowerBridge transmitter systems are the backbone of WPNs that allow connected devices such as sensors and tags to continuously provide critical enterprise data to cloud networks—at a distance and without wires, batteries, or cables—ensuring they are reliably charged at all times. These transmitter systems act as data links for IoT-enabled devices, enabling them to efficiently communicate valuable data and insights back to the cloud, and allowing companies to analyze, optimize, and improve every part of their supply chain operations in real time.

The Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter system is designed for next-generation, enterprise IoT applications, providing a WPN that delivers an always on, over-the-air automated energy flow that optimizes IoT device performance. The system is well suited to meet the increasing demand for power over distance, which is crucial for applications where asset tracking and monitoring across multiple zones is critical to operations, including supply chain visibility, cold chain monitoring, fleet management, and temperature and humidity monitoring.

The Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter system combines two high-efficiency power amplifiers with a System-on-Chip (SoC) RF transmitter to create a wireless charging infrastructure that enables continuous data streams from mobile IoT devices into business critical applications. 

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