The Kinghelm KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P DIP Switch: Revolutionizing Control in Electronics

2024-08-16 Kinghelm Official Website
DIP Switch,KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P

In the realm of electronic components, precision and reliability are paramount. Enter the Kinghelm KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P DIP Switch, a marvel in modern engineering designed to elevate control functionalities across electronic devices and circuit boards.

Kinghelm KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P Product Image


Design and Build

Crafted with a sleek black exterior and featuring a flat, protruding design, the KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P boasts not only aesthetic appeal but also ease of installation on circuit boards. Its 2-position configuration offers essential control combinations, catering to diverse application needs seamlessly.


Technical Specifications

This switch operates with a rated current of 100mA and a voltage rating of 24V, ensuring robust performance in various operational conditions. Its seagull-wing pin style and 2.54mm pin pitch adhere to industry standards, facilitating straightforward connections with other devices and circuit boards. From scorching heat to freezing cold, its wide operating temperature range of -20℃ to +70℃ guarantees unwavering functionality.


Features Highlight 

1. Reliability Redefined: Engineered with premium materials and precision manufacturing, the KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P promises unparalleled stability and reliability in every toggle.


2. Versatility in Connectivity: With its standard pin pitch, this switch effortlessly integrates into a multitude of applications, ensuring compatibility and versatility across electronic landscapes.


3. Adaptability Across Environments: Whether in industrial automation or household appliances, its resilience across varying temperature environments speaks volumes about its adaptability.



From household appliances to industrial automation, the KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P finds its niche in enhancing control functionalities within electronic circuits. It’s the cornerstone for innovations in communication devices, computer hardware, and beyond, ushering in a new era of precise control and operational efficiency.

Kinghelm KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P Specification



In conclusion, the Kinghelm KH-10027B-SMT2.54-2P DIP switch stands tall as a testament to innovation and reliability in electronic control. With its robust design, seamless integration capabilities, and unwavering performance, it’s poised to redefine standards across industries. Embrace the future of electronic control with Kinghelm, where precision meets possibility.

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