Kinghelm KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P Dip Switch: Precision, Durability, and Versatility in Electronic Design

2024-07-23 Kinghelm Official Website
Dip Switch,surface-mount dip switch,KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P

In today's increasingly refined electronic devices, the selection of each component directly impacts the overall performance and user experience of the product. Today, we focus on a Dip Switch that integrates efficiency, precision, and durability — the KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P dip switch by Kinghelm. With its outstanding performance and wide range of applications, it has become the preferred choice for many electronic engineers and designers.

Kinghelm KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P Product Image


Precision Positioning, Six Position Flexibility

The KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P dip switch features a 6-position design, offering rich combination possibilities to meet configuration needs ranging from simple to complex applications. Whether used for equipment settings, parameter adjustments, or status selection, this switch enables precise and error-free control through simple toggle operations. The six-position design allows each position to operate independently without interference, ensuring accuracy and stability in settings.


Refined Craftsmanship, 1.27mm Pin Pitch

As a surface-mount dip switch, the KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P boasts a precisely set 1.27mm pin pitch. This standard design not only complies with industry norms but also significantly enhances PCB layout efficiency and soldering quality. The fine pin pitch reduces space occupation, making device designs more compact while improving overall electrical performance.


Classic Durable Design in Black

Featuring a black color scheme, the KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P dip switch not only exudes a stable and dignified appearance but also showcases its durable and reliable quality. Black material offers excellent resistance to stains and abrasion, effectively protecting against wear and contamination in daily use, thereby extending product lifespan. Moreover, black is a common classic tone in electronic products, seamlessly blending into various design styles.


Wide Applications to Meet Diverse Needs

The Kinghelm KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P dip switch, with its exceptional performance and versatile applications, has found extensive use in communication, industrial control, instrumentation, consumer electronics, and other fields. Whether for professional equipment requiring frequent setting changes or industrial environments demanding high stability and durability, this switch earns trust and acclaim for its outstanding performance.

Kinghelm  KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P Specification



The Kinghelm KH-BM-SMT1.27-6P dip switch, renowned for its six-position flexibility, precise pin pitch, classic black design, and broad application scope, stands out as a highly regarded product in the market. It serves not only as an invaluable tool for electronic engineers but also as a driving force behind the advancement of electronic products towards higher quality and efficiency. Looking ahead, we anticipate Kinghelm to continue its innovative spirit, delivering more high-quality and reliable electronic products in the days to come.

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