Height Tracking with Xsens Motion Capture

2024-07-06 XSENS Official Website
inertial sensors,sensor,gyroscopes,accelerometers

Doing a multi-level motion capture shoot

XSENS motion capture is based on inertial technology, meaning the technology is in the suit and you do not need external input, like cameras. The big advantage is that you can just jump in the suit and start capturing anywhere you like.

Inertial motion capture also has downsides, like height tracking, or multi-level. The inertial sensors measure orientation, speed, and heading. But they cannot measure height.

What is Height Tracking and why is it hard?

When you go up the stairs, you elevate to a new height. You want to see this in your data so your character goes up the stairs and does not stay on the same level. This is also why it's sometimes called multi-level, because of elevating or decreasing the level.

Inertial sensors cannot measure height by themselves. Inertial sensors have three components: gyroscopes, accelerometers, and magnetometers. The data of components together, plus a biomechanical model and lots of algorithms turns the data into an avatar on screen. The only thing that is missing, is elevation.

Characters will not automatically elevate in the data, they will stay on the same level. Without this data, animators need to fix this in the 3D software (Unreal, Unity, etc.) by adding contact points, which is time-consuming. Each time your foot elevates or goes down, you add a contact point, so the software knows what to do.

Adding height tracking (multi-level)

Our algorithms are superior because almost 20 years of experience is embedded in our sensor fusion technology. The algorithms are super-optimized and can identify and add contact points automatically. And after HD Reprocessing this process is even more refined to show the recorded elevation. Also, by combining proper calibration, drift-free data, and our biomechanical model, we can show height accurately.


Xsens mocap

Xsens helps animators to create realistic movements for characters and by choosing Xsens, you’re not just investing in technology, but also in the future of your studio, your team, and your storytelling.

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