Kinghelm Passive RFID Tag KH-RFID-20-BQ Features High Efficiency Read/Write, Precise Identification, Security and Reliability

2024-06-21 Kinghelm Official Website
RFID Tag,passive RFID tag,KH-RFID-20-BQ

In today's rapidly evolving era of Internet of Things (IoT), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology is playing an increasingly crucial role across various industries due to its efficient, precise, and non-contact characteristics. Kinghelm, a leader in the RFID field, has recently launched a new RFID TagKH-RFID-20-BQ, which has garnered significant market attention thanks to its outstanding performance and reliable quality.

Kinghelm KH-RFID-20-BQ Product Image

I. Product Overview 

KH-RFID-20-BQ is a 20mm diameter RFID tag operating at a frequency of 13.56MHz, classified under passive RFID tags. Passive RFID tags do not require an internal battery; instead, they operate by receiving RF signals from RFID readers, offering long lifespan, low cost, and convenience. The KH-RFID-20-BQ tag utilizes advanced chip technology and optimized antenna design to ensure stable and reliable read/write performance in various environments.


II. Product Features 

High Efficiency Read/Write: KH-RFID-20-BQ supports high-speed read/write operations, capable of transferring and processing large amounts of data quickly to meet the demands of diverse applications.


Precise Identification: The tag employs unique identification algorithms and coding techniques to ensure accurate identification and positioning in complex environments, minimizing misreads and omissions.


Security and Reliability: KH-RFID-20-BQ supports multiple encryption and security authentication mechanisms to protect user data confidentiality and integrity, guarding against information leaks and unauthorized access.


Wide Applications: Suitable for applications requiring fast and accurate item identification such as logistics tracking, asset management, and smart access control.


Durable: Constructed from high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing processes, KH-RFID-20-BQ exhibits excellent waterproof, dustproof, and high-temperature resistance characteristics, ensuring stable operation in harsh environments.


III. Application Scenarios 

Logistics Tracking: Used in the logistics industry, KH-RFID-20-BQ tags can be attached to packaging to enable real-time tracking and monitoring of goods, enhancing logistics efficiency and accuracy.


Asset Management: Within enterprises, the tag can identify and manage fixed assets, inventory items, etc., facilitating rapid data input and retrieval to improve management efficiency and reduce losses.


Smart Access Control: In access control systems, KH-RFID-20-BQ tags serve as identity recognition media, enabling control and management of personnel entry and exit through RFID readers, enhancing security and convenience.

Kinghelm KH-RFID-20-BQ Specification


IV. Conclusion 

KH-RFID-20-BQ, as an efficient and precise passive RFID tag, is increasingly becoming the preferred solution for users across various industries due to its outstanding performance and reliable quality. Looking ahead, with the continuous development and widespread adoption of IoT technology, the application prospects for KH-RFID-20-BQ tags are poised to expand further.

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