Differences between UART RF Module and RF Modem

2024-06-09 G-NiceRF Official Website
UART RF Module,RF Modem,SV651,SV6500

Some customers don't know much about the terms UART RF Module and RF Modem. They think that these two products are the same. There are differences between the two. The following will introduce how to distinguish the two products of UART RF Module and RF Modem.


What is UART RF Module and RF Modem?

Uart RF module

Usually refers to the wireless data transmission products that are small in size, light in weight, easy to integrate, and can be easily embedded in the user's equipment.

(Uart RF module SV651)


RF modem

It usually refers to a wireless data transmission product that is relatively large in size, complete in functions, and can be installed independently.

(RF modem SV6500)


Differences between UART RF Module and RF Modem

NiceRF takes UART RF Module SV651 and RF modem SV6500 as examples.

All in all, the UART RF Module, and RF Modem are essentially the same. When purchasing, users can decide whether to use a rf modem or a uart rf module according to their actual situation. 

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