SMART New 1Gb DDR3(L) Components Expands Product Line Legacy Support

2024-06-06 SMARTsemi Official Website
DDR3(L) SDRAM components,DDR3(L) components,DDR3 SDRAM,wide-grade Tier-1 memory components

SMARTsemi now offers industry-compatible 128Mb x 8 and 64Mb x 16 DDR3(L) components in standard 78-FBGA and 96-FBGA packages.

NEWARK, Calif., May 29, 2024 - SMARTsemi, a division of SMART Modular Technologies, Inc., provider of commercial, industrial, and automotive/wide-grade Tier-1 memory components and cards for embedded applications, announces the addition of 1Gb DDR3(L) SDRAM components in automotive, industrial, and commercial temperature ranges.

The widely industry-compatible devices are being added to SMARTsemi’s catalog at a time that Tier-1 suppliers have announced plans to shift production away from the DDR3 generations to free up capacity for DDR5 mainstream production earmarked for consumer and high-end server customers.

The new components are industry compatible and can replace Samsung, SK hynix, Micron, and Tier-2/3 components. SMARTsemi was founded to offer mainstream and legacy memory components to markets that need components for long lifecycle embedded applications including industrial robotics, medical equipment, defense electronics, automotive, telecom, networking, and home entertainment devices. 

“With the announced exit of Samsung and SK hynix from the DDR3 SDRAM market, customers in our segment are faced with limited options – obsoleting production runs, redesigning, for a newer, mainstream component, or locking up capital for last time buys,” stated Helen Do, SMART Product Manager. “SMART’s offers an attractive alternative -  qualify our long lifecycle, extended EOL devices today and save your capex earmarked for LTBs, minimize the engineering resources needed to qualifying SMART, and avoid the market disruption of end a product lifecycle.”

Datasheets, quality and manufacturing reports, free samples, and an industry cross reference for DDR3 SDRAMs, including the new 1Gb density, are available online.

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