Zhaolong Interconnect Brought Its Latest Products and Solutions to Attend Asia Tech X Singapore

2024-06-06 ZHAOLONG Official Website
Industrial connectors,Optical Module,SPE connectors,industrial Ethernet cables

Known as "Asia's most representative ICT event" and "one of Asia's flagship technology events", Asia Tech X Singapore successfully opened its doors at Singapore EXPO on May 29.

Zhaolong Interconnect brought its latest products and solutions to the 3-day event, joining more than 25,000 global leaders and industry decision-makers to discuss the path to an inclusive digital future for the world.

We're in the red box "Hall 4, Booth 414-13"!

In this exhibition, the products displayed by ZHAOLONG Interconnect cover:

Data Center Cabling System

Intelligent Building Cabling System

  • 10Gigabit and 1Gigabit PoE cabling systems’ multi-node link channels certification certified by Intertek

  • Modules, modular crystal heads’ single units certification certified by Intertek

  • Fiber optic application systems for 10G to 800G

Industrial Cabling Systems

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