What is a Single and Duplex Wireless Module?

2024-06-10 G-NiceRF Official Website
simplex wireless transceiver module,duplex wireless transceiver module,single wireless modules,duplex wireless modules

Recently, there is customer consultation, what is a simplex wireless transceiver module, and what is the duplex wireless transceiver module? What is the difference between single and duplex wireless modules?NiceRF here to answer this question for everyone.


What is a simplex wireless transceiver module:

The simplex wireless output module means that only data is transmitted in one direction when transmitting data; simply speaking, the wireless transceiver module is a fixed transmitting end and is only responsible for transmitting; the otherparty is the receiving end and is only responsible for receiving, this is a single Transfer. For example, the printers we all use are simplex wireless transmissions.


What is a duplex wireless transceiver module:

The duplex wireless transceiver module is further divided into two types, one is half duplex and the other is full duplex, as follows:

Half duplex:

The half-duplex wireless transceiver module can transmit data bidirectional . However, at the same time, only data can be transmitted in one direction. We can understand half-duplex as a simplex transmission that can be switched. Most of the wireless transceiver modules that are considered wireless are half-duplex transmission modes.


Full duplex:

The full-duplex wireless transceiver module can allow data transmission in two directions at the same time, and the full-duplex mode does not need to perform direction switching. Therefore, there is no time delay caused by the switching operation, which is an interaction that cannot be delayed. Application projects are very suitable, such as real-time monitoring systems and other applications.

According to the simple introduction, we can clearly understand the difference between simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex. Simplex can only communicate in one direction. Half-duplex can not communicate in a two-way at the same time. A full duplex is capable of two-way communication at the same time.

Through simple comparative analysis, the full-duplex wireless transceiver module is undoubtedly the best, and can simultaneously transmit and receive data, but the full-duplex module cost is also very high, if not necessarily the application project with no time delay. Generally, the full-duplex wireless transceiver module will not be selected. The half-duplex wireless transceiver module is more popular in the market because it is cheaper and can meet most of the customer needs, such as meter reading, data acquisition, and other projects, the time delay is a few seconds, and is completely Things that can be received.

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