Kinghelm‘s Internal Antenna KH857 with High Gain Capabilities and Wide Directional Map Beam

2024-05-29 Kinghelm Official Website
Internal Antenna,KH857

Unlock the power of seamless satellite signal reception and transmission with the Kinghelm Internal Antenna, KH857. This advanced antenna unit is engineered to excel in capturing BeiDou S frequency satellite signals while transmitting BeiDou L band signals with precision and reliability. Here's why the KH857 stands out:

High Gain and Wide Directional Map Beam:

Experience unparalleled signal strength and coverage with the KH857's high gain capabilities and wide directional map beam. Whether you're navigating the seas or exploring rugged terrains, this antenna ensures a robust connection in diverse environments.


Exceptional Performance in High and Low Elevations:

From towering heights to challenging low elevations, the KH857 delivers consistent performance. Its design optimizes signal reception across varying elevations, guaranteeing reliable communication when it matters most.


Built to Endure:

Crafted from durable ceramic antenna material, the KH857 is built to withstand extreme temperatures and resist corrosion. This ensures long-term functionality even in the harshest conditions, making it a trusted companion for extended fieldwork.


Advanced Technical Features:

Semi-Separated Design: Enhances isolation between antenna units, reducing precision errors and maintaining a stable phase center.

Feed-Off Technology: Enables high gain, wide directional map beam, and superior low elevation angle signal reception, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity in obstructed environments.

Circularly-Polarized Axial Ratio and Gain Bandwidth: Delivers optimal signal quality and bandwidth for consistent performance.

Compact and Customizable: With its compact size, the KH857 seamlessly integrates into various devices. Plus, it can be customized to meet specific customer requirements, offering unparalleled flexibility.


Versatile Applications:

From shipboard and vehicles to handheld devices, the KH857 is trusted across industries for its exceptional performance and adaptability. Wherever you need reliable satellite signal reception and transmission, trust the Kinghelm Internal Antenna KH857 to deliver.

Kinghelm KH857 Specification

Experience unmatched connectivity and reliability with the Kinghelm Internal Antenna KH857. Elevate your communication capabilities today!

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