Julin Technology Attended the 2nd China Western Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Expo and Delivered a Speech

2024-05-16 Julin Technology Official Website
SPICE simulator,signal integrity simulation platform,power electronics system design and simulation platform,high-precision post-batch simulation solution

In the wave of technology, from April 18th to 20th, the Second China Western Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Expo and the "Two Chain" Integration Innovation Development Forum, as well as the China (Xi'an) Electronic Information Industry Expo was held. This is a gathering of industry elites to discuss the development of the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry. Julin Technology was invited to attend and the founder of Julin Technology, Mr.  Jiaxin Sun gave a speech.

Julin Technology was invited to attend the conference

Julin Technology was invited by Shaanxi Digital Economy Development Association and Xi 'an Chanba Ecological District Management Committee to present a number of its completely independent research and development technology achievements at this conference.

At the site, the engineers of Julin Technology introduced the main products and technical advantages of Julin in detail to the participants and conducted on-site operation demonstration. Including the SPICE simulator TJSPICE, the signal integrity simulation platform SIDesigner, the power electronics system design and simulation platform PowerExpert, and the high-precision post-batch simulation solution HobbSim , all of which have high precision and high speed. It has significant advantages in improving design efficiency and reducing research and development costs, and was highly praised by the participants. At the same time, Julin Technology also had in-depth discussions with customer engineers on the technical needs of the industry , and sought more cooperation opportunities.


At the main forum on the opening day of the Expo, Mr.Jiaxin Sun shared with the audience the latest research results of Julin Technology in the field of EDA simulation with the theme of "High-precision universal EDA Platform, Helping to explore the future". He said: "The accuracy and efficiency of TJSPICE with completely independent intellectual property rights of Julin Technology has fully reached or led the industry benchmark, filling the gap in the field of domestic EDA industry. This breakthrough technology will bring more efficient and accurate design support to the integrated circuit design industry, providing a powerful aid to exploring the future."

In the speech, Mr. Sun combined with examples to explain how Julin Technology promotes the development of semiconductor and integrated circuit industry through technological breakthroughs and innovations. His speech struck a strong chord with the audience and further consolidated Julin's position in the industry.


The expo not only provides a platform for Julin to show its strength, but also brings new thinking and opportunities to the entire industry. We believe that in the future development, Julin Technology will continue to play its technological advantages and make greater contributions to the development of Chinese semiconductor and integrated circuit industry.

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