How to Select High Power Schottky Rectifier Diodes

2024-05-22 LXMICRO Official Website
high power Schottky rectifier diodes

How to select high power Schottky rectifier diodes?

Select the appropriate forward current and reverse withstand voltage (should be greater than the application value) for the high-frequency current rectifier, general load selection withstand voltage is more than 2 times the actual voltage (example: 5v voltage selection 10V Schottky). Sensory load optional 3-5 times. The minimum current surplus to 20%, (8A current selection 10A Schottky) general surplus of 50% or more.

(一) Look: 
1. Printing: The general high-power Schottky diode is now using laser printing, with non-toxic, environmental protection, font clear, never wear characteristics. Mimeograph renovation probability, toxic, not environmental protection, no security, recommended not to use. 
2. Foot position: the foot length of the standard device, there are certain standards. Please refer to the specifications. If the foot was short, it could have been re-sanded. Tin plating: At present divided into two kinds: bright feet (more domestic) and powder feet (more foreign) have their own advantages. Bright feet tin fast, long storage time; powder feet tin very fast, but easy oxidation. Not recommended if the appearance is oxidized.

(二) Parameter Test: 
1. Chip: prevents overcharging. The dimensions are intuitive. 
2. Parameter: regular manufacturers will provide specifications. The accuracy of the test parameters is very important. It's a visual representation of a product. 
3. Application: in the whole circuit, there are various electrical parameters, and a suitable high-power Schottky rectifier diode selection is very important, to consider all aspects. The benefits of manufacturers can be reflected, you can provide professional technical.

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