Kinghelm‘s DC Power Socket KH-DC-003A-1.3, Adopts A Curved Plug Installation and Features Space-saving, Stable Transmission and Wide Applicability

2023-12-26 Kinghelm News
DC Power Socket,AC/DC power connector,connector,KH-DC-003A-1.3

KH-DC-003A-1.3 belongs to the AC/DC power connector catalog, and is a common connector type in electronic equipment - DC Power Socket. The unique design of this type of socket, with a curved plug installation, not only saves space but also prevents external interference more effectively and ensures stable power transmission.

Performance and Features


Stable transmission

Wide applicability

Comprehensive specifications

Superior safety performance

Simple and user-friendly design

KH-DC-003A-1.3 Data

Application Fields

Digital devices

Medical equipment

Communication equipment

Industrial equipment

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