Kinghelm‘s DC Power Socket KH-DC-022-2.0K Features with Rated Current of 500mA and Rated Voltage of 30V

2023-12-22 Kinghelm News
DC Power Socket,power connector,KH-DC-022-2.0K

DC Power Sockets are an indispensable part of modern electronic devices, providing stable DC power to the equipment. With the development of electronic devices, the types and specifications of DC power sockets have also increased to meet the needs of different devices. DC power sockets have become an essential electronic component, with wide applications in digital devices, medical equipment, communication equipment, automotive industry, and many other fields. As a power connector, the quality and performance of DC power sockets are crucial for the stability and safety of equipment operation.

Performance and Features

High quality and reliability

Wide applicability

Comprehensive specifications

Superior safety performance

Simple and user-friendly design

KH-DC-022-2.0K Data

Application Fields

Digital devices

Medical equipment

Communication equipment

Industrial equipment

Home electronics

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