Nanochap EPC001 on Brainwave Toys, Self-developed Algorithms for Fast Response and Higher Accuracy

2023-11-28 Nanochap News
Vital Signs Parameter Detection Chip,Nine Senses EPC001,Vital Signs Parameter Detection Chip,Nanochap

Brainwave toys are based on electroencephalography (EEG) technology, which captures brainwave activity by measuring weak electrical signals on the skin surface of the head. These signals are amplified and processed by algorithms and can be used to reflect different states of the brain, such as relaxation, concentration, and excitement. Players can use these different brainwave activities to control games, music, or other entertainment experiences.

Brainwave products on the market are a mix of good and bad, and the common ones will have the following problems:

1. slow response time and low accuracy of brainwave concentration and relaxation algorithms.

2. Chip noise, interference with the acquisition and processing of brain waves.

3. High cost, most of the products on the market use foreign imported chips, high price, long supply cycle, or even discontinued.

For the above problems, Nanochap has its own solutions:

1. For the brain wave algorithm, Nanochap by the "national key research and development program" led by a team of chief scientists, independent research and development of a set of brain wave concentration, relaxation algorithms, fast response speed, high precision, and strong anti-interference.

2. Nanochap EPC001 chip input noise <1μVrms (BW=150HZ, gain = 6)

3. Nanochap Nine Senses EPC001 has already cooperated with customers to develop brainwave toys and recreational equipment based on this chip and put it into the market commercially.

Nine senses EPC001 Vital Signs Parameter Detection Chip integrated with high-precision EEG/ECG/EMG/PPG analog front-end and powerful RISC-V microcontroller (MCU). Adopting self-developed high-precision algorithms, the raw brainwave signals are captured with high accuracy, and together with the self-developed algorithms, it is able to more accurately calculate the relaxation level and concentration level. Its diverse peripheral interfaces allow the SoC to be expanded with multiple different sensors externally. The powerful RISC-V core MCU processing and its memory space facilitate the integration of different wireless transceiver (e.g. BLE or NFC) protocol stacks for transmitting measurement data.


Nanochap Nine Sensors EPC001 Vital Signs Parameter Detection Chip Benefits and Features

●High Integration. Integrated RISC-V MCU, single-channel ECG analog front-end, single-channel PPG analog front-end, hardware filtering circuitry.

●Rich interfaces: ΜART, SPI, QSPI, I²C, I²S, and other communication interfaces.

●High detection accuracy. Ultra-low noise programmable amplifier PGA and 24-bit ADC to intercept the complete signal with high dynamic range and high precision, providing a guarantee for the accuracy of measurement results.

●Three-stage integrated comb filter

●Up to 32 kHz bandwidth of the independent acquisition system.

Product Parameters

●Operating voltage range: 2.5V ~ 5V

●Operating temperature range: -40℃ ~ 125℃

●Low power consumption modes: sleep mode, shutdown mode, standby mode

●INA programmable gain range: 1 to 120

●AC, DC lead off detection; support right leg drive (RLD)

●24-bit ADC analog front-end with programmable amplifier support.

Chip Structure Diagram


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