TeraLightTM Optical Fiber:To minimize your chromaticdispersion compensation CAPEX

■Draka’s TeraLightTM Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber (NZDSF) has set the standard for high bit-rate, multi-wavelength transmission. Its unique optimization of effective area, chromatic dispersion and dispersion slope enables excellent distorsion management cost effective operation at 10 and 40 Gbps, tight channel spacing in C-and L-bands, compatibility with the future S-band.
■TeraLightTM is optimized for metropolitan backbone and long-haul applications. Its typical chromatic dispersion of 8 ps/nm.km at 1550nm is optimized to be half that of standard single-mode fiber. It supports 10 Gbps transmission without dispersion compensation for distances of about 200 km, resulting in cost savings compared to standard single-mode fiber. For long-haul applications it results in lower costs for dispersion compensation, while still minimizing cross-channel non-linearities. For 40 Gbps operation, commercially available devices can be used.
■The fiber complies with or exceeds the ITU-T Recommendations G.655.E/G.656, the IEC International Standard 60793-2-50 type B4/B5 and can be used in all cable constructions, including loose tube, tight buffered, ribbon and central tube designs. Draka’s Advanced Plasma and Vapor Deposition (APVDTM) manufacturing process and proprietary ColorLock-XScoating process further enhance fiber purity, reliability, and durability.
●Optimized for 2.5 and 10 Gbps operation without dispersion compensation in Metropolitan area networks
●40 Gbps operation with commercially available dispersion compensation devices
●Compatibility with long haul NZDSF
●More than 160 channels in C-band alone at 10 Gbps
●320 channels in C-, L and S-bands at 10 Gbps
●S-band compatibility





Optical FiberNon-Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber(NZDSF)Single-Mode Fiber






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