Bionics 4 Education Bionics Kit by Festo

●Explore bionics concepts
●Understand and apply the Fin Ray Effect®
●Demonstrate how to use microcontrollers
●Create three bionic- inspired models
●Control robots using a smartphone
●Discover technical innovations inspired by nature
■Bionics, or bio-inspired engineering recognizes that nature has something to teach us. For billions of years, nature has successfully engineered natural, adaptive technologies for its survival. The organisms and ecosystems we are surrounded by face many of the same challenges that we do.
■Studying how nature has developed solutions for living organ-isms can be very effective in terms of solving today’s engineering problems and has inspired human engineers to mimic many natural designs to solve complex problems and develop incredible technologies. Over the years, Festo has explored these principles of nature through its Bionic Learning Network. Our engineers take an innovative “bionic”approach, imitating elements of nature to seek solutions to the challenges facing our auto-mated world. In the process, many samples of bionics- inspired projects have been developed, which the Bionic Learning Network’s team of engineers, designers, and biology experts realized could be used to inspire and engage learners in the subject of bionics. So, they created the Bionics4 Education innovative learning environment and Bionics Kit, which together, offer students a fascinating, hands-on experience in the world of bionics as they complete similar bionic-inspired projects. Since bionics serves as a link between biology and technology, the Bionics Kit is a perfect addition to any integrative STEM education program.


Bionics Kit



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