Taking the Heat: Turck's RFID system ensures correct positioning of the charging carriage

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■The position of the charging carriage in a Chinese production plant was previously determined by an encoder on the carriage wheel. However, this information became increasingly incorrect due to slippage during acceleration and braking, making it necessary to carry out manual position corrections. Today, the manufacturer measures the position using RFID tags on the carriage and a read/write head on the transport rail. This enables the carriage to be reliably positioned in front of the charging door. Neither the IP67 read/write head nor the robust tags are damaged by the dust and heat from the production process. Today the plant operates with greater energy and consumption efficiency, while employees work in a safer environment.
■Through the use of Turck's BL ident RFID system, the operator could increase the production capacity of the plant and make considerable improvements in terms of energy savings, reduced consumption and safety at the same time. As a result of the even more stringent




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