Spirent Automation Solution:Calnex Increases Test Automation 7x Using Spirent iTest

●Customer Challenge
■Experts in the test and measurement industry know very well the importance of test automation to the productivity and cost- effectiveness of an enterprise trying to get new products and services to market faster than the competition and with better quality.
■Calnex, the world-leader in test and measurement solutions for proving and monitoring the performance and reliability of Ethernet synchronization technologies, learned the hard way that when it comes to automation, you get what you pay for.
■In the early days of Calnex, the QA department was forced to find ways to keep costs low by using free-ware test automation tools.But nothing is truly free, and the challenges faced by Calnex ultimately doomed the automation project.
●Challenges Overview:
■The old system was a nightmare; it was difficult to set up and maintain, overall a very unenjoyable experience for the test engineers which lowered team morale.
■The team comprised just one full-time tester,and too often had to“borrow”resources from the development team to execute the automated tests.This resulted in lower productivity for the developers and slowed down delivery of their products.
■Despite the inefficiencies and shortcomings of the third-party tool, it was difficult to overcome the inertia of the existing automation solution.Tests were written, which gave the perception that there must be some value in continuing to use it, even though less than 10% of the total test cases were automated.
■As the company grew and new,more complex products were developed, regression testing became more and more important to product delivery.The lack of test automation became a significant drag.







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