How to load a XML configuration from a device to a another one with a different hardware

■Transfert of XML config file is only allowed between devices having the same hardware type. The same firware version is recommended
■For support purpose there's nevertheless a way to load an XML config file on a device different from the original one
■This method may lead to a loss of part of the config (loading a 11 ports device config on an 8 ports device for example) or to malfunctions (if a config of a copper port is applied on a fiber port for example)
■So this trick should be used only for support (If you want to load the config file from a customer but if you don't have exactly the same hardware) and by skilled people
■At least use the same type of hardware (RSP to RSP, MSP to MSP, EES to EES ...), respect the firmware (PRP, HSR) and if possible the firmware version

Belden's Hirschmann



User's Guide



Please see the document for details



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