New Tantalum Technologies Tantalum Polymer and Niobium Oxide Capacitors

■Tentalum has bee n a favored capacitor tech no logy in space-limited desig ns and high reliability applicati ons for a long time. Rece nt years have see n the emerge nee of one or two equivale nt tech no logies offering many of the advantages of tantalum, such as volumetric efficiency and reliability. Two new tech no logies rece ntly in troduced into their commercialization phase are niobium oxide capacitors and tantalum capacitors with conductive polymer cathodes. A circuit designer trying to choose between these solid electrolyte capacitor systems has a number of trade-offs and subtleties of operation to consider. This paper reviews the main features of the two tech no logies, the latest electr onic applicati on n eeds and discusses the feasibility of the latest tech no logy trends in tan talum, n iobium oxide and polymer capacitors.


New Tantalum Technologies Tantalum PolymerNiobium Oxide Capacitors



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