R&S® CMsequencer One graphical scripting tool for every automated­ 5G ­testing­ need Product Brochure

■The R&S®CMsequencer is a graphical scripting interface that creates, configures and executes test scripts on ­the ­R&S®CMX500 ­radio communications ­tester.­ The ­R&S®CMsequencer is­ part ­of­ R&S®CMsquares,­ the­ powerful R&S®CMX500­ user­inter face­ and ­control ­center.
■It is impossible to underestimate the significance of auto-mated testing in the wireless industry. Countless tools, apps and automation frameworks have been developed for such testing because it is so important and the number of applications is so vast. When testing with the 5G R&S®CMX500 radio communication tester, an automated testing tool covers all aspects of 5G testing is mission critical, whether for FR1 RF parameteric tests, FR2 OTA measurements or E2E maximum IP throughput.
■Historically, separate tools/applications with nothing in common and completely disconnected from one another have addressed various testing areas. This means everything may be different, including the user interface and the type of user configuration, the handling of DUT automation and test plans and the way results are generated. Such unparalleled variations often make the user learning curve difficult and steep. Even when using the same network emulator, an enormous amount of time and effort have to be invested in learning the different tools to con-figure and test hardware functions, reducing efficiency





CMsequencergraphical scripting toolgraphical scripting interface


automated­ 5G ­testing ]


Supplier and Product Introduction



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May 2021

Version 01.00

PD 3609.6493.12

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