ME7838A VectorStar ® 2- and 4-Port Millimeter-Wave Vector Network Analyzer

★ 2- and 4-port version of the VectorStar ME7838A operating with external Millimeter-Wave (mmWave) modules:
The VectorStar ME7838A mmWave system combines the MS4640B series Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and 3739C test set to control 2 external mmWave modules for measurement frequencies from 110 GHz to 1.1 THz and higher in waveguide bands. The 3739C test set routes the internal RF and LO signals from VectorStar, thus eliminating the need for external sources. If 4 ports are required, a 3736B test set and the MN4697C 4-port test set with 2 additional modules can be attached. OML or VDI modules may be used.
★ The VectorStar ME7838A, the first mmWave VNA system with real-time power leveling, has best-in-class stability with the widest power level control. The mmWave system detects IF and RF power, and provides correction to the mmWave power in real time and without the need for software correction feedback. This method delivers stable mmWave power even at low levels, and reduces the risk of overdriving power-sensitive mmWave devices that are inherent in other systems. Thus, power sweep is available in an industry-leading range of up to 55 dB and without the need for mechanical attenuators in the mmWave module.
● The first mmWave system with real-time electronic power leveling, eliminating power correction time lag found on alternative systems using software correction feedback.
● Provides accurate, stable power control with widest power sweep for safe, accurate gain compression measurements.
● 4-port test set (MN4697C) and master mmWave test set (3736B) can be added to standard 2-port system for 4-port operation.
● No need to purchase expensive 4-port test sets initially – upgrade the VectorStar mmWave system when needed and budget permits.


ME7838AMS4642BMS4644BMS4647BMS4640B-007MS4642B-082MS4644B-082MS4647B-082MS4642B-051MS4644B-051MS4647B-051MS4642B-061MS4644B-061MS4647B-061MS4642B-062MS4644B-062MS4647B-0623739CMN4697C3736BSM6626MS4640B-002MS4640B-070MS464xB-051MS464xB-061-or- MS464xB-062VDI WRxxTxRx-20G, 4 eachOML VxxVNA2-T/R, 4 each -or-OML VxxVNA2-T/R, 2 each -or-



2- and 4-Port Millimeter-Wave Vector Network AnalyzerVector Network AnalyzerVNA



User's Guide



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