Supermicro SSE-X3548S/SSE-X3548SR IP Multicast Overview User's Guide

IP communication is of three types:
●Unicast: Host sends packets to a single host ●Broadcast: Host sends packets to all hosts ●Multicast: Host sends packets to a subset of hosts simultaneously
IP Multicast Routing enables efficient usage of network resources for bandwidth intensive services including video and audio. A multicast group is a set of receivers that want to receive a particular data stream. An IP Multicast Group Address in the range to is selected for receivers of a multicast group. Senders transmit IP data using the Multicast Group address as the destination address to multicast to all group members.Receivers interested in receiving data of a particular group must join the group by signaling a router/switch on their subnet. IGMP is used as the signaling protocol for conveying group membership. Network devices along the path from Source to Receivers forward data only on ports leading to the receivers, rather than flooding on all ports.
Membership in a multicast group is dynamic as hosts can join and leave at any time. There is no restriction on the location or number of members in a multicast group. A host can be a member of more than one multicast group at a time. Supermicro switches can send and receive Multicast traffic by supporting the following Multicast features:
●IGMP at the access end of the network that processes hosts announcing their participation in a Multicast group(s).
●Multicast Routing Protocol's (MRP's) at the enterprise and core of the network for maintaining the senders/receivers database and forwarding data from Senders to Receivers.








User's Guide



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