Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut
Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut is a high perfor-
mance liquid metal themal compound.
Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut liquid metal thermal
compound is based on a eutectic alloy. A special
combination of metals like tin, gallium and indium
results in very high thermal conductivity and excel-
lent long-term stability.
Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut is recommended for
applications that require extremely high thermal
conductivity at room temperature – e.g. between
a silicon chip PC microprocessor and heat sink. The
liquid metal compound compensates even the
slightest irregularities, which can not be achieved
with convenstional thermal greases.
Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut should be stored
boxed and under dry conditions at room tempe-
Thermal Grizzly – High Performance Cooling Solutions
Egelpfuhlstrasse 44 · 13581 Berlin · Germany
Phone +49-40-53 27 88 50 · Fax +49-321-21 13 47 93
CEO: Eike Salow · USt-IdNr. DE270324124
Property Value/Description
Density 6,24g/cm³
Recommended Temperature 10 °C140 °C
Operating Temperature* -50 °C200 °C
Consistency liquid
Color silver
Property Value/Description
Standard sizes 1g
Possible thickness variable
Silicone based no
Typical Application CPU, GPU, Notebooks, IC
Trademark Information:
Thermal Grizzly is a registered trademark.
Please note:
The data in this technical data sheet are based on
our current knowledge and experience. Due to the
large amount of possible factors, this should not be
construed as to release the users from doing their own
tests and screening. No legally binding assurance
of specic properties or applicability for a concrete
purpose should be derived from these data. Please
consider contacting us for further detail.
It is the responsibility of the recipient of our products
to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws
and legislation are observed.
*very low temperatures may change application and operation. Individual testing and application testing required outside the recommended
temperature. All of these data were determined and conrmed with the technical facilities of
Conductonaut must not be used on aluminium surfaces. We also strongly recommend to use it only on nickel plated surfaces