EFR32 Gecko
EFR32FG12 Errata
This document contains information on the EFR32FG12 errata. The latest available revision of this device is revision C.
Errata that have been resolved remain documented and can be referenced for previous revisions of this device.
The device data sheet explains how to identify the chip revision, either from package marking or electronically.
Errata effective date: December, 2019.
silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.6
1. Errata Summary
The table below lists all known errata for the EFR32FG12 and all unresolved errata in revision C of the EFR32FG12.
Table 1.1. Errata Overview
Designator Title/Problem Workaround
Exists on Revision:
ADC_E222 ADC EM2 Wakeup on a Comparator Match Disables EM2
Yes X
ADC_E224 ADC Warm-Up Ready Can Cause IDAC, ACMP, or CSEN to
Not Function
Yes X X
ADC_E228 Limited ADC Sampling Frequency in EM2 No X X X
CSEN_E201 CSEN_DATA in Debug Mode Yes X X X
CSEN_E202 CSEN Baseline DMA Transfers Yes X X X
CUR_E203 Occasional Extra EM0/1 Current No X X X
DBG_E204 Debug Recovery with JTAG Does Not Work Yes X X X
DCDC_E204 Potential Brownout when Enabling the DCDC from Off to
Low Power Mode
Yes X X X
EMU_E209 Potential EM2 Lock-up when using IDAC or the Debugger
with the LDMA
Yes X
EMU_E211 Radio Clocks Remain Disabled After Voltage Scaling Yes X
EMU_E212 Delay Required Between Successive Voltage Scaling Com-
Yes X X X
EMU_E214 Device Erase Cannot Occur if Voltage Scaling Level is Too
Yes X X X
I2C_E202 Race Condition Between Start Detection and Timeout Yes X X X
I2C_E203 I2C Received Data Can be Shifted Yes X X X
I2C_E205 Go Idle Bus Idle Timeout Does Not Bring Device to Idle
Yes X X X
I2C_E206 Slave Holds SCL Low After Losing Arbitration Yes X X X
LES_E201 LFPRESC Can Extend Channel Start-Up Delay Yes X X X
RAM_E201 Timing Issues in Upper 192 kB of RAM No X
RMU_E202 External Debug Access Not Available After Watchdog or
Lockup Full Reset
Yes X X X
RMU_E203 AVDD Ramp Issue Yes X X
RTCC_E203 Potential Stability Issue with RTCC Registers Yes X X X
RTCC_E204 Disabling the RTCC Backup RAM may Consume Extra Cur-
Yes X X X
RTCC_E205 Wrap Event Can Be Missed Yes X X X
TIMER_E202 Continuous Overflow and Underflow Interrupts in Quadra-
ture Counting Mode
Yes X X X
USART_E201 USART DMA Transactions Fail with Slow Peripheral Clocks No X X X
EFR32FG12 Errata
Errata Summary
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