17X SOMV 1 of 1 1/9/2007
Instrument Security Procedures
Fluke 179, Fluke 177 and Fluke 175
Product Name:
True-rms Multimeters
Instrument Description:
170 Series Digital Multimeters
Memory Description:
For units with serial number greater than 84060001:
Fluke 179, 177 and 175 have one memory device: U4, micro controller,
TI MSP430F437, 32kB Flash, 1024B RAM, contains operating code for the
product and calibration constants.
For units with serial number less than 84060000:
Fluke 179, 177 and 175 have two memory devices: U3, micro controller,
Renesas (Hitachi prior 2003) H8/3847, 60-kbyte masked ROM, 2-kbyte RAM,
contains operating code for the product; U6, Serial 1k EEPROM, contains
calibration constants.
Memory Cleaning Instructions:
For units with serial number greater than 84060001:
The user controlled storage operation other than calibration constants is the
storage of Min Max and Average. Min, Max and Average is cleared when the
function switch is changed or if the unit is powered off.
For units with serial number less than 84060000:
The user controlled storage operation other than calibration constants is the
storage of Min Max and Average. Min, Max and Average is cleared when the
function switch is changed or the unit is powered off.