Release Not es
LPCOpen LPC8xx v ersion release history and
known issues
LPCO pen LPC8xx Release Notes
The version history and known issue lists on this page are for v3.xx, and 2.xx releases of LPCOpen only.
Version history previous to v2.xx releases can be found HERE..
Some issues are known at the time of the versioned package release. Issues found after the release can
be found on the LPCOpen bug tracker pages.
LPCOpen LPC8xx version release history and known issues
LPCOpen v3.02 release (Released: 12/22/2017)
Project and Example updates
Features Added
File structur e was organized.
Known issues (Carried Forward)
LPCOpen v3.01 release (Released: 04/06/2017)
Project and Example updates
Features Added
V2 LPCOpen code was converted to V3 LPCOpen. This simplifies code structure and decrease path
lengths, LPCOpen has been reorganized to a flatter structure. These changes have been made in an
effort to improve usability and maintainability of LPCOpen software
I2c_rom: renamed the address to reflect the 8-bit value was ADDR7BIT now ADDR8BIT
I2cm_8xx.h: Added check for error condition of not completing a transaction
gpio_8xx.h: Fixed the mask for IO bits (was 8-bit char, and is now 32 bits)
Updated ring_buffer.c, and ring_buffer.h files
Board setup file updated to allow selection of XTAL
I2C master example: "status" in "I2CM_XFER_T" was made "volatile"
In function "Chip_I2CM_XferHandler", member "status" in "I2CM_XFER_T" set to "STATUS_OK" only
after "I2C_STAT_MSTCODE_IDLE" flag is set). Also, "I2C_INTENSET_MSTPENDING" IRQ was
disabled (can use “Chip_I2C_ClearInt (pI2C, I2C_INTENSET_MSTPENDING);”) when
I2C_STAT_MSTCODE_IDLE is detected (master job is done) to prevent unwanted IRQ firing.
I2C slave: "Chip_I2CS_SlaveContinue(pI2C);" should be called in slave ISR even if
Updated GPIO API file
o Fixed the print string to calculate length correctly
o In function “Chip_UART_ReadBlocking”, the judgement "while (readBytes < numBytes)" is
wrong. Was changed to "while (numBytes > 0)
o Should be int Chip_UART_ReadBlocking(LPC_USART_T *pUART, void *data, int numBytes)
mbed MAX board has CMSIS_DAP debugger software as default. All projects need to be configured to
use CMSIS-DAP as default.
In IAR, all examples have wrong path. It checks for examples_81x instead of example_82x.
periph_dma_mem and periph_dma_uart: Fixed hard fault during execution.
Known issues (Carried Forward)