Copy r igh t © 20 10 Fu tu r e T ech n o l ogy D evices In te rn a t ion a l Li m i te d 1
Document No.: FT_000206
FT232BM USB UART IC Datasheet Version 2.0
Clearance No.: FTDI# 133
Future Technology
Devices International
The FT232BM
is a USB to serial
UART interface with the following
advanced features:
Single chip USB t o asynchr on ous seria l
data transf er interf ac e.
Full Handshaking & Modem Interface
Adjustable RX buffer timeout
Fully Assisted Hardware or X-On / X-Off
In-built support for event characters and
line break c ondition
Auto Transmit Buffer control for RS485
Support for USB Suspend / Resume
through SLEEP# and RI# pins
Support for high power USB Bus
powered devices through PWREN# pin
Data transf er rates fr om 300 baud t o 3
Mbaud (RS422, RS485, and RS232) at
TTL levels.
384 by t e rec e ive bu ff er an d 12 8 by te
tran sm i t buf f er u ti lis in g buffer
smoothing technology to allow for h igh
data throughput.
UART interface sup por t f or 7 or 8 da ta b its , 1 or 2 s to p
bits and odd / even / mark / space / no parity
Inte gr at ed l ev e l con v er ter on UA RT an d c on tr ol signals for
interf ac ing to 5V and 3 .3V logic
Inte grated 3.3V re gulator for USB IO
Integra ted Power-On-Reset circuit
Integra ted 6MHz - 48Mhz clock multiplier PLL
4.35V to 5.25V single su pply operation
UHCI / OHCI / EHCI hos t contr oller com patib le
USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 compatible
USB VID, PID, Serial Number and Product Description
strings in external EEPROM
EEPROM programmable on-board via USB
Compact 32-pin LQFP pack age
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Copy r igh t © 20 10 Fu tu r e T ech n o l ogy D evices In te rn a t ion a l Li m i te d 2
Document No.: FT_000206
FT232BM USB UART IC Datasheet Version 2.0
Clearance No.: FTDI# 133
1 Typical Applicati ons
USB to RS232 / RS422 / RS 485 Converters
Upgrading Legacy Peripherals t o USB
Cellular an d Cordl ess Phone USB dat a transf er
cables and int erfac es
Interfacing MCU / PLD / FP GA bas ed d es ign s t o
USB Au d i o an d L ow Ba n dwidth V i de o data
PDA to USB data transf er
USB Smart Card Readers
USB Instrumentation
USB Industrial Control
USB M P3 Player Interface
USB FLASH Card Reader and Writ ers
Set Top Box PC - USB interface
USB Digital Camera Interface
USB H ardware Mode m s
USB Wireless Modems
USB Bar Code Readers
1.1 Driver Support
(VCP) DRIVERS for...
Win dow s 7 32, 64-bit
Windows Vista and Vista 64-bit
Windows XP and XP 64-bit
Win dow s 9 8, 98S E, ME , 20 00, Ser v er 2 00 3, XP
and Server 2008
Windows XP Embedded
Win dows CE 4.2, 5.0 and 6.0
Mac OS 8/9, OS-X
Linux 2.4 an d greater
Royalty free D2XX Direct Drivers
(USB Drivers + DLL S/W Interface)
Win dow s 7 32, 64-bit
Windows Vista and Vista 64-bit
Windows XP and XP 64-bit
Win dow s 9 8, 98S E, ME , 20 00, Ser v er 2 00 3, XP
and Server 2008
Windows XP Embedded
Win dows CE 4.2, 5.0 and 6.0
Linux 2.4 and greater
Mac OS 8/9, OS -X
The drivers listed above are all available to download for free from FTDI website (
Var iou s 3r d par ty dr iv er s a re al s o ava ila b l e for o th er o pe ra t ing sy s tem s - see FTDI website fo r deta ils
1.2 Part Numbers
Part Numb e r Package
FT232BM-xxxx 32 Pin LQFP
Table 1.1 Part Numbers
Note: Packing codes for xxxx is:
- Reel: Taped a nd Reel, (LQFP is 1, 000pc s per reel).
- Tray: Tray packing, 250pcs per tray (LQFP only)