Design Considerations for a Data Acquisition System (DAS)
AN535 Rev 0.00 Page 1 of 9
September 2002
Rev 0.00
September 2002
This is a collection of guidelines for the design of a data
acquisition system. Its purpose is to supplement the more
methodical block-by-block discussions available in
numerous other papers and application notes. Emphasis in
this note is on the less easily quantifiable happenings
“between the blocks,” rather than a description of the block
components and their error contributions. This latter
information may be found in the Bibliography under
A data acquisition system is defined to include all the
components needed to generate the electrical analogs of
various physical variables, transmit these signals to a central
location and digitize the information for entry into a digital
computer. Among these components are transducers,
amplifiers, filters, multiplexers, sample/holds and analog-to-
digital converters. The system also includes all signal paths
tying these functions together.
Several system architectures will be considered, followed by
a general discussion aimed at the designer who must
choose hardware for a given application.
Topics include:
Data Acquisition System Architecture
Signal Conditioning
Single-Ended vs. Differential Signal Paths
Low-Level Signals
Programmable Gain Amplifier
Sampling Rate
Computer Interface
Data Acquisition System Architecture
At present the most widely used DAS configuration is that
shown in Figure 1. It handles a moderate number of analog
channels, feeding into a common multiplexer, programmable
gain amplifier (if required) track/hold amplifier and A-D
A more specialized and expensive variation is to place a
Track/Hold in each channel as shown in Figure 2. Switching
all channels to HOLD simultaneously produces a “snapshot”
view which preserves the phase relation of signals in all
channels. This information is important in seismic studies
and vibration analyses.
The DAS system of Figure 3 offers many advantages, but is
not yet practical except for slowly changing channel data.
Low frequency signals allow dedication of a slow but
accurate integrating type A-D converter for each channel.
The channel filters, often included to reduce aliasing errors
and noise, are not necessary, since aliasing is not a problem
with low bandwidth signals. The integrating converter
suppresses wideband noise by averaging it about the
instantaneous signal level. Also, the converter’s integration
period may be chosen to provide almost complete rejection
of a specific interference frequency such as 60 Hz. Digital
outputs from the converters are then digitally multiplexed.
The system shown in Figure 3 has an inherent advantage
over the other two systems, having eliminated both the
track/hold and the analog multiplexer with their many error
contributions. The disadvantage, of course, is cost. Figure 3
would become the system of choice in many more
applications, if a significant reduction should occur in the
price of successive - approximation A-D converters.
A small RAM may be added at the converter’s output in any
of these systems, to buffer the computer and offload its
involvement with individual conversions. Timing and control
may be arranged to scan all channels repeatedly, and
continuously update a RAM location for each channel. The
computer is then free to look at a recent reading for any
channel, at any time.
Further discussion will center on Figure 1, both in the single-
ended version shown, and in the differential version.
Design Considerations for a
Data Acquisition System (DAS)
AN535 Rev 0.00 Page 2 of 9
September 2002