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Waterford Instute of Technology (WIT)
TSSG, part of WIT (Waterford
Instute of Technology), is an
internaonally--recognized informaon
and communicaons technologies (ICT)
research center, oen working on 40-50
projects at a me. It is vitally important
that they are supported by a robust data
center and network infrastructure.
CommScope soluon
The network infrastructure soluons
that were recommended were from
CommScope’s SYSTIMAX
“TSSG’s level of research requires
technical and business experse
combined with state-of-the-art
facilies for developing and tesng
prototypes and commercializaon
strategies. It is especially important
that engineers and sciensts are
supported by a data center and
network infrastructure that fully meet
their current and future needs.
—Aidan MacGrath, IT director of WIT
TSSG, part of WIT (Waterford
Instute of Technology), is
an internaonally-recognized
informaon and communicaons
technologies (ICT) research
center. Now housed in a new,
three-oor 1060-square-meter
building, it is located on the WIT
West Campus at Carriganore in
County Waterford, Ireland.
The group’s core experse includes
usability, exibility, and security of
communicaon systems. Based on these
areas of excellence, its services to telecom
operators and manufacturers cover a
wide range of industry-informed ICT
research. This is focused on innovave
communicaon services and systems
incorporang features such as advanced
network infrastructure, social media and
Success story
TSSG underpins IT efficiency at new research facility with
CommScope 10G copper connectivity and intelligent
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Data center efficiency
At any given me, TSSG is working on between 40 and 50
projects designed to push the boundaries of telecommunicaons
networking. Over the past ve years, it has delivered innovave
soluons to more than 90 organizaons and created 11 spin-out
“TSSG creates economic impact by translang our knowledge base
and innovaon into leading-edge products and services,” said Aidan
MacGrath, IT director of WIT. “To do this, it engages with industry in
collaborave R&D, knowledge generaon and knowledge transfer.
“This level of research requires technical and business experse
combined with state-of-the-art facilies for developing and
tesng prototypes and commercializaon strategies. It is especially
important that engineers and sciensts are supported by a data
center and network infrastructure that fully meet their current and
future needs.
WIT’s solution:
Intelligent infrastructure
Since its data center and network are so vital to the operaon of
the new TSSG facility, senior systems engineer Jerry Horgan and his
team called on specialist help. They chose Kedington Soluons, a
leading Irish turnkey soluons supplier with specializaons including
energy-ecient data centers.
“The Carriganore facility has to support numerous research
projects simultaneously. Many of these deal with cloud compung
and others require a great deal of data crunching and advanced
networking, so our infrastructure has to be of a high standard,
said Jerry Horgan. “Energy eciency is crical and the data center
must also be exible to allow rapid reconguraon at regular
intervals as research projects change. To help us achieve this,
Kedington brought a depth of knowledge and numerous ideas on
infrastructure eciency, exibility and physical security.
Kedington is a CommScope Premier BusinessPartner and the
network infrastructure soluons it recommended were from
CommScope’s SYSTIMAX
porolio. For 10 Gb/s connecons in
the data center and throughout the research facility, it proposed
the GigaSPEED X10D
UTP (unshielded twisted pair) soluon. This
comfortably meets all specicaons of the Category 6A standard
for 10 G copper cabling.
The GigaSPEED X10D cabling supports 10 Gb/s data transmission
from end to end in a four-connector, 100-meter channel. As well
as being a proven 10G soluon with many successful installaons
worldwide, GigaSPEED X10D is also the smallest Category 6A
cabling. With an overall jacket diameter of just 7.2 mm, it saves
space and makes installaon considerably easier. Both these factors
were important in the high-density environment within the data
center where Kedington installed more than 2,800 cable runs.
For ease of managing the nished, operaonal infrastructure,
Kedington recommended the SYSTIMAX iPatch intelligent
infrastructure soluon. In a network environment subject to almost
connual change, this soluon creates important savings.
The iPatch soluon provides network administrators with real-me
visibility and control of the network physical layer, giving several
signicant benets. Connecon failures and security breaches can,
for instance, be detected and pinpointed immediately, and up-to-
date connecvity documentaon is maintained automacally.
Administrators can also raise orders for moves, adds and changes
via their desktop PC using iPatch, and track the progress of
technicians making these changes. At the same me, technicians
are assisted in their work by displays and tracer lights on the patch
panels that guide them in making the correct connecons.
“Because the data center supports so many network-based research
projects, network availability and exibility are essenal,” said Jerry
Horgan. “With iPatch we have a constant, comprehensive, real-me
view of the physical network infrastructure, updang moves, adds
and changes. It alerts us to failures, idenes each problem and
gives us the exact physical locaon so we can minimize downme
and cost of repair.
Rack containing the SYSTIMAX
iPatch intelligent infrastructure soluon